Luxury Spa. Med Spa & Wellness Oasis

Body Treatments

AromaTouch Massage Treatment
$125 | 1 hr
A powerful essential oil massage treatment. Placed and pressed along the spine and the back. Each oil has special elements for the body to repair, protect and heal the organs, the nervous system, immune system and cell repair. Using reflexology and specialized techniques.
Add-on to a facial or body polish treatment| $100.00
Sudatonic Detox Wrap
$175 | 1.25 hrs
An Infrared body wrap treatment designed for detoxification and overall body healing and repair. Wrapped in a specialized heated blanket that emits infrared rays, that have for many years been used to achieve several health and cosmetic benefits such as:
​Detoxification, water retention release, Increase core metabolic function burning up to 1,500 calories per session, Immediate reduction of inflammation.
Specialized creams are applied to the legs, arms and stomach, creating a barrier for better metabolic function, allowing you to sweat out toxins and retained water. As you relax in your heated cocoon, your service provider will ease any discomfort with cold towels and a hydrating skin treatment on the face.
​​​Requirements for treatment:
Drink a gallon of water the day before your treatment.
Eat before, as you should not drink or eat 3 hours after treatment.
Aloe Herbal Wrap
$125 | 1 hr
With cotton linen wraps soaked in a natural aloe and herb solution, your provider will wrap you in warm linens. While your body dispels toxins through your lymphatic system during treatment, youll recieve a deep pour cleansing facial with lymphatic massage.
Add-on to a facial | $100.00
Body Polish
$125 | 1 hr
A full body, organic coconut oil sugar scrub for the ultimate exfoliation, followed by a hydrating lotion massage for a polished and hydrated finish. A dry scrub treatment, removed and cleansed with hot towels and lymphatic massage.
Add-on to a massage or facial | $100.00